Keep Busy During COVID

Ideas to Keep the Family Sane (and make the best of your time together)

I think I’m like many of you - I’m working from home and continually trying to find things to do to keep me busy and safe at the same time. As a teacher, I always look forward to the summer months, where I can attend to neglected projects around the house. Now is the time! I have never had more time to rearrange, purge, and create. So far, with a few good projects under my belt, I’m looking to have more fun.

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Listen to a good book on Audible

Find one that you all can enjoy!

I want to remind people of the great and profound joy that can be found in stories, and that stories can connect us to each other, and that reading together changes everybody involved.
— Kate DiCamillo
Start a sewing project. This cross stitch is perfect for beginners, like me.

Start a sewing project. This cross stitch is perfect for beginners, like me.

Send a message. These colorful rocks were placed on the sidewalk for all passersby to see.

Send a message. These colorful rocks were placed on the sidewalk for all passersby to see.

The list continues …

This is a great time for parents and children to step inside each other’s worlds. As a teacher, I have to know a little something about Roblox, tik tok, and everything to do with unicorns. As a child, it might be fun to take a step back and talk with parents about the way things were back then. Go through some old family photos and recreate some of them. It would be fun to compare hairstyles, clothing and family resemblances.

Who looks like who?

Who looks like who?


There’s so much more ….

  • bake together

  • DIY manis and pedis

  • have a tea party

  • make a stuffed animal zoo

  • invent a card game

  • create a new hairstyle for each other

  • daily coloring contest - take turns picking themes

  • follow a Youtube make-up application - I like the Magic Mirror from Snow White

  • take a walk, every day!

If this isn’t enough, please link here for more great ideas! Have fun, stay safe.

Let me know what you tried and other ideas you would like to share.

Photos by Mary Van Hiel and Google

mary has something to say…

Love, Food, StyleMARY VAN HIEL