Camel Hair Coats are Back

Have you noticed that camel coats are making a comeback? I remember having one when I was about 11. The reason my memory is so vivid about this coat is that it was the most stylish thing I owned, and it was going to save me. One Friday evening, my sister announced I had won a date with 70’s teen sensation Mark Hudson. He was my favorite of the three musical brothers, and she said I was the lucky winner of an entire day with my heartthrob. Tiger Beat Magazine was rolling out the red carpet for us, and I’d better get ready because he would be arriving in the morning to pick me up in a limo.

Mark is the one on the right. Bill, on the left is Kate Hudson’s father, Goldie Hawn’s ex.

Mark is the one on the right. Bill, on the left is Kate Hudson’s father, Goldie Hawn’s ex.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune! I’m usually not so gullible, but I fell for this ruse hook, line, and sinker. I washed and set my hair in curlers and went about figuring out what to wear. My choices were limited. I wore a school uniform during the week, and I had a couple of dresses for church, but I did have that camel hair coat! A few weeks earlier, I had taken off the fur collar to give it a different look, and now I had to sew that darn thing on and wait for my hair to dry. The fur, I thought, would make me look sophisticated.

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Mid-length, and double-breasted makes this coat a warm favorite

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Veronica Beard Changes it Up

The Lyonia Coat has a contrast pink lining


J. McLaughlin Mixes a Traditional Coat with an Updated Fabric

The Lark Coat mixes a little Teddy Bear with classic lines

When I woke up the next morning, my sister unceremoniously announced, “I can’t believe you fell for that.” That was the last time I didn’t question her antics and the last time I wore a camel coat. I think I’m ready to try again.